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 Next Topic (4003) This is topic 4002, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (4001) 
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1. On Saturday, July 2nd, 2016 at 8:56AM TommyLee (a member) wrote:
Member Since: March 2005
Wilderian since 1988
Wilderian since 1988
Subject: OT: Kevin Gordon
Miz Patti and I went to hear Kevin Gordon at KDHX last night. It was a terrific show, thanks in part to two of Webb's pals, Tom Comet and Joe McMahan! Tom played with Webb in Berwyn, then met up with the other guys on the side of a highway in Paducah. They sounded great, and it was fun to hang out with them as well as some of Joe's relatives. Wonderful folks, and they brought their cute kids to entertain us before the show.
A good time was had by all.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Saturday, July 2nd, 2016 at 11:52AM omatic (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2003
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
Tom is a road-trippin', kung-fu-flingin', bass-slingin' master-of-disaster, fo' sho! And sometimes it seems like Joe is everywhere, too, though I haven't seen him play with Webb for a while.

Speaking of KevGo, Tom, Joe & all, if you're in the Milwaukee area next Wednesday attending Summerfest, they'll be playing the U-Line/Miller Lite/Super18 stage at 5pm.

The Summerfest roster is pretty darned mind-blowing this year!
Member accepts knock-knocks.
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