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 Next Topic (4002) This is topic 4001, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (4000) 
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1. On Friday, June 24th, 2016 at 1:37PM omatic (a member) wrote:
Member Since: February 2003
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
Subject: Planned site maintenance coming up
At some time in the coming weeks, I will be implementing some updates to the site, and adding some security enhancements.

At this point, I don't know exactly what day or time. The site should not experience an outage, although I may disable the Webb Board until all the moving parts are tested.

This update will involve a couple of dozen little tweaks, most of which won't be visible. However, should you do experience some issues, please post a message here to let me know what's up. If it's something sensitive, or you simply don't want to announce it, you can use the site form mailer.

Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Thursday, July 7th, 2016 at 3:09AM omatic (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2003
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
The maintenance cycle to which this thread refers, is now complete.

If experience any difficulties, please post them on the following thread:
Member accepts knock-knocks.
3. On Friday, July 8th, 2016 at 3:55PM Professor Oobviouse (a guest) replied:
...well, that was exciting...
 Next Topic (4002) This is topic 4001, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (4000) 
I'm done here, go back to the previous page or directly to back to Index Page 1

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