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 Next Topic (4067) This is topic 4066, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (4065) 
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1. On Sunday, June 18th, 2017 at 11:13AM Man From Who Knows Where (a member) wrote:
Subject: Down Home Show
Hey,any reports from the show? Great show I know,as Webb and the guys always do, just wanting some of the details.
2. On Sunday, June 18th, 2017 at 8:50PM Tom Comet (a member) replied:
Tom Comet
Member Since: October 2006
Hi! Had a great time, and saw Tony and Susan, who I hadn't seen in quite a while, among others. It was me, Rick Schell, and WW, and the music and humor were pretty dang good IMHO. Hope to see you at Fitzgerald's!
3. On Monday, June 19th, 2017 at 11:13AM Man From Who Knows Where (a member) replied:
Thanks for the update Tom. Love the Down Home, it's been awhile for me, what a great place!! Hope to make Fitzgerald's, but my Mom's health issues are a major concern right now, although a WW Band experience would be uplifting!!!!!!!!!!
4. On Tuesday, June 20th, 2017 at 10:32AM Webb Wilder (a member) replied:
Webb Wilder
Member Since: July 2003
Hope yer Mom gets better. We had a ball. Rock and Tom played and sang like gods. I tried my best. Sure enjoyed it. The folks/fans were incredible. Thanks to everyone who came. Hope to see you in Shy Town. WW
5. On Tuesday, July 11th, 2017 at 9:44PM Tom Comet (a member) replied:
Tom Comet
Member Since: October 2006
We missed seeing you at Fitz - I sure hope things are better with your Mom. All the best to you and yours.
 Next Topic (4067) This is topic 4066, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (4065) 
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