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1. On Thursday, April 20th, 2017 at 6:09PM Hunter (a member) wrote:
Member Since: February 2005
Listen! Do you smell something?
Listen! Do you smell something?
Subject: Eblast for week of 16-APR-2017
Greetings, Earthlings! Let me start out saying how grateful I am to all my friends and fans on the East AND the West coasts who turned out to support my solo shows a couple of weeks ago. Whew! I was runnin' and gunnin' but, enjoyed every bit if it. Thanks!!! That was my first trip to California in 22 years!

All the shows were fun, but I want to give a special shout out and thanks to Scott Goldman and Lynne Sheridan at the Grammy Museum in LA, who hosted me for "The Drop," sponsored by the Americana Music Association. Big thanks to the AMA, too! From the snow in Northampton, MA to the beach in Del Mar, CA, it was a blast!

(Photo Credit: / Rebecca Sapp)

Now, solo is cool, but what about a Dew-Oh show? Tom Comet and I don't get to do too many of those, but when we do, it is a whole lot of fun! We will be doing the "Dubya Dubya Dew-Oh" in Columbia, TN, at Puckett's, this Saturday, 4/22/2017. Plenty of seating and great food. Showtime is 8 o'clock. They prefer reservations as I recall so get one, come early, have dinner, dessert and stick around for the show. Here's a link for that.

Wellsir, gotta motor... It ain't easy bein' uh 'lectrifyin' artiste. Lotta rat killin' and hoop jumpin' inna course of a day, ya know?

Keep a good thought.
See ya in the funny papers.
Ol' Webb

Quick Summary of Upcoming Performances - Visit our site for full details!

** Saturday, 04/22/17: Puckett's, Columbia TN
** Friday, 04/28/17: American Legion, Columbia SC
** Saturday, 04/29/17: Inman Park Festival, Atlanta GA
** Thursday, 05/04/17: The Contenental Club, Houston TX (solo)
** Friday, 05/05/17: Barbed Wire / Rock Room Concerts, Austin TX (solo)
** Saturday, 05/06/17: Roswell Riverside Sounds, Roswell GA
** Wednesday, 05/10/17: Tennessee Shines Series, Knoxville TN (solo)
** Friday, 05/19/17: Nashville Boogie, Nashville TN
** Saturday, 05/20/17: Racks by the Tracks Festival, Kingsport TN
** Saturday, 06/03/17: Pine Ridge Concert Series, Clinton TN (solo)
** Friday, 06/16/17: Harvester Performance Center, Rocky Mount WV
** Saturday, 06/17/17: Down Home, Johnson City TN
** Friday, 06/23/17: Music Box Supper Club, Cleveland OH
** Saturday, 06/24/17: Fitzgerald's, Berwyn IL
** Friday, 08/04/17: Evanston SPACE, Evanston IL (solo)
** Saturday, 08/05/17: Kiki's House of Righteous Music, Madison WI (solo)
** Wednesday, 11/08/17: Sweet P's BBQ and Soul House, Knoxville TN (solo)
Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Monday, April 24th, 2017 at 1:08AM Astro Man (a member) replied:
Astro Man
Member Since: February 2016
Astro Cat Launches All Noisy Dogs Into Outer Space
Astro Cat Launches All Noisy Dogs Into Outer Space
Good to see Webb returning to Columbia SC this weekend. Hope there's a good turnout so there can be return engagements. Best to all.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
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