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1. On Sunday, November 20th, 2016 at 7:39PM Nese (a member) wrote:
Member Since: February 2005
Everyone Loves Nese
Everyone Loves Nese
Subject: WebbFest XI
So,not seen or heard anything regarding this. How did it go? Missed my first one that I had control of and wish I could have been there. Not much PNW Webb action, may have to go to Chicago for Fitz show or fly in for Knuckleheads.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Monday, December 12th, 2016 at 5:14AM Hunter (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2005
Listen! Do you smell something?
Listen! Do you smell something?
I missed it, too, spending the day with my family celebrating my youngest daughter's 20th birthday.

My understanding is that it went well, with a good crowd.

It's not the PNW, but Webb is doing a few solo California dates in April!

Member accepts knock-knocks.
3. On Sunday, December 18th, 2016 at 10:28AM Frank in TN (a member) replied:
Frank in TN
Member Since: July 2003
I can't wait to be a Full Grown Man!
I can't wait to be a Full Grown Man!
While it was, as Webb noted right off, "long on Webb and short on Fest," it was indeed a good show!

There was a solid crowd, and I wound up with a good seat next to Tater manning the camera up in the balcony. Also got to speak with the Harnesses and a few other Wilderians (plus a George Bradfute sighting!). I did notice Big Goober off to the side a couple times, enjoying the music and managing to fend off a couple scary looking ladies who wanted him to dance.

First time I'd been to the Exit/In, and it struck me as a pretty cool music joint. The lavatory was downright Escherian (another patron said "of all the odd bathrooms in Nashville, this one's near the top of the list").
Member accepts knock-knocks.
4. On Friday, January 13th, 2017 at 3:02PM Nese (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2005
Everyone Loves Nese
Everyone Loves Nese
Hey Hunter, April, eh. I guess a 12 hour drive is a little better than the 15 hour drive Ii used to do to Nashville! It's on my maybe list.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
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