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1. On Tuesday, June 21st, 2016 at 4:03PM Webb Wilder (a member) wrote:
Webb Wilder
Member Since: July 2003
Subject: this week's eblast
Summertime, Summertime, Summertime, SUMMERTIME! How's it goin', ya'll?

If you are receiving this email, you are truly one of my favorite people, BECAUSE that means that either at a show or online you have cared enough about WW to sign up for the email list. Give yourself a hand! You are loved! We are trying to show our appreciation by providing you with some 411 about the events of this week and more in this blast.

On Friday, 7/24/2016, we will be doing "The Summer Concert Series" in Nelsonville, OH. This is a FREE outdoor show in front of the Stuart Opry House at 7pm.

On Saturday, 7/25/2016, we will be at Radio, Radio in Indianapolis, IN. Frank Dean opens. Doors at 8pm.

Then, on Sunday, 7/26/2016, we will be in Rockford, IL at Severson Dells for "The Concert in the Country." That gets going at 4:30pm.

Lots more stuff coming up this Summer. Stay tuned! Next week, we are at Fitzgerald's in Berwyn, IL (Chicago) on Thursday, 6/30/2016 (along with Sarah Borges, Donna the Buffalo, Parker Millsap and more!) at 9pm.

Here's a rather spaced out (sorry!) video I did telling all about this stuff:
June 2016 promo video.

Naturally, T-Shirts, CDs, posters, stickers and stuff will be on sale at all shows as well as online.

We hope to have our brand new (artwork by Tom Comet) "Mississippi Moderne" T-Shirt for this weekend. It will be available online shortly thereafter. A few of the blue "ICFN" ones still available, as of the writing of this missive.

Okay! Dig you the most. I remain your host, from coast (almost) to coast, and offering you a toast!

Webb Wilder
I'm a poet and my feet show it...
Ciao 4 now... and how!

Quick Summary of Upcoming Performances - Visit our site for full details!
** Friday, 6/24/16: Stuart's Opera House, Nelsonville OH
** Saturday, 6/25/16: Radio Radio, Indianapolis IN
** Sunday, 6/26/16: Severson Dells, Rockford IL
** Thursday, 6/30/16: Fitzgerald's Nightclub, Berwyn IL
** Friday, 7/22/16: City Winery, Nashville TN
** Saturday, 7/23/16: Richland Post 6 American Legion, Columbia SC
** Friday, 8/12/16: Harvester Performance Center, Rocky Mount VA
** Saturday, 8/13/16: Bethlehem Musikfest, Bethlehem PA
** Saturday, 9/10/16: Private Engagement
** Saturday, 10/15/16: Burritoville House Concerts, Sullivan NH (solo)
2. On Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016 at 7:26AM Man From Who Knows Where (a member) replied:
Webb, Great to see you coming back to Indy, it's been a while since you've been to the Circle City. I'll be with the usual suspects, Curtis and Bob. Can't wait!! Safe travels, Roger
3. On Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016 at 10:16AM Webb Wilder (a member) replied:
Webb Wilder
Member Since: July 2003
Cool! Great, Roger! See ya there...WW
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