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 Next Topic (3988) This is topic 3987, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (3986) 
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1. On Saturday, April 16th, 2016 at 8:09AM Glenn Steinkamp (a member) wrote:
Glenn Steinkamp
Member Since: May 2009
Lets Shake, Lets Push!
Lets Shake, Lets Push!
Subject: 2 songs from the Barcelona show
thanks to Arjan Deleen
Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Sunday, April 17th, 2016 at 9:31AM Highway Tsar (a member) replied:
Highway Tsar
Member Since: February 2009
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Victoria Concordia Crescit
It was a great show. The trio worked really well and Greg's drumming was good. Webb made quite a few new fans on this appearance judging by the reaction I saw.
3. On Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 at 4:46PM Hunter (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2005
Listen! Do you smell something?
Listen! Do you smell something?
Here's a YouTube playlist of all of the videos of the tour that I've found so far.

Member accepts knock-knocks.
4. On Tuesday, April 26th, 2016 at 9:28AM Hunter (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2005
Listen! Do you smell something?
Listen! Do you smell something?
There are now 22 videos in the playlist linked above.

Member accepts knock-knocks.
 Next Topic (3988) This is topic 3987, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (3986) 
I'm done here, go back to the previous page or directly to back to Index Page 1

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