Webb Cast #15: WW and Tom Comet! And more!

Greetings Wilderians! How's it goin'? Good I hope? Just a note to let ya'll know what's goin' on in the World of Wilder.

I am very pleased to announce that for "Webb-Cast #15," this Friday night at 7pm Central (8pm Eastern), I will be joined by one BeatnEck bassist and MUCH more, the one and only Tom Comet! This will be the first performance I have done with another human being in over a year?!?!? The other 14 (all on YouTube at WEBB-TV) have been solo.

This will all be at WebbWilder.official on Facebook. Immediately afterwards, it gets posted in hi-def at WEBB-TV on YouTube. Just because it's on Facebook does not mean you can't watch it live if yer not a Facebooker. It don't work thataway. It's free and open to the public. Tips ARE of course appreciated! The ol' tip jar is https://www.paypal.me/WorldOfWilder .

What else? Well, WMOT/Roots Radio has provided me with a brand new logo for The List: The Americana Chart Show, which I do every week. Check it out:

The program is on FM 89.5 here in Nashville, and/or WMOT.org all over the world on the intrawebs, ya know? The List airs at 2pm Central every Friday, and 8am Central every Saturday. I am also on the air 1-4pm Monday through Thursday, so I'm on the radio a lot! Really, every day except Sunday. Past installments of The List can be heard at WMOT.org via the Roots Radio Replays page.

Have you been to our Swag Page lately? We have a bit of new merch this week; it's the gig poster that were sending out to clubs during the days when we were launching Mississippi Moderne. Well, technically that's not exactly "new," so much as "not-sold-previously-to-the-public." Anyways, we also still have some of the autographed Night Without Love tour posters, too, so c'mon by and check those out!

I'm looking forward to making music with Tom this Friday. Until then, have a good 'un!

Your pal,
Webb Wilder

Quick Summary of Upcoming Performances - Visit our site for full details!
** Friday, 04/30/2021: Facebook Livestream Performance #15 (duo w/Tom Comet)
** Friday, 10/15/2021: The Bur Oak (PKA:The Winnebago), Madison WI
** Saturday, 10/16/2021: Shank Hall, Milwaukee WI