Webb Cast #12: NEW DAY! Friday 1/29/2021!

Well, HELLO and HAPPY NEW YEAR, ya'll! Let's hope it's a good one. It doesn't hafta be a whole lot better to beat it's predecessor! I mean, just speaking for Nashville's 2020, we started off with a bang (a tornado!) and ENDED with a bang: a huge explosion in downtown Nashville on Christmas morning by a crazy suicidal guy who talked to "lizard people!?!?!?" Know what I mean? SO, this year is bound to be better.

That is why I thought of an old 1993 recording that came out on Powerful Stuff in 2018, called New Day. George "The Tone Chaperone" Bradfute and I edited the thing down a bit (it was long!) and made it into more of a single. I figured the time was right for a song called New Day!

Next thing ya know, it's gettin' some radio airplay, some Spotify spins, etc. All good! You can have listen to the New Day single remix at our very own YouTube channel, WEBB-TV, or on SoundCloud.

Following along with the "new" theme, I decided that the next "Webb Cast" would be all "new." In other words, all songs with either the word "new" in the title or the lyrics... and that's what I'm gonna do this Friday night!

WW scribes Thorsby Teatreacle and Edwin Hoogerbeets have composed the message below, informing you of the who, what, where, and when of the thing:

As with the other recent livestreams, this will take place at Webb's official Facebook page under the videos section. Please take note, you do not need to have a Facebook account to watch this show -- anonymous viewing is possible.

Start time will be 7pm Central, so adjust accordingly if you do not live in the Central time zone!

The show is FREE, but tipping via Webb's PayPal.me is always appreciated.

Webb Cast #12 - New Day 2021

These are trying times. I hope we can all get vaccinated before we all get "Covid-nated!" I hope this missive finds you well. Check out the song, and check out the show this Friday night. I'll be spinnin' some yarns and sangin' some songs!

If you are reading this, it means at some point or another (if not at all points!), you have been a WW supporter. Thanks so much! It means a lot.

In the meantime, I remain,
Your pal... Webb Wilder

Quick Summary of Upcoming Performances - Visit our site for full details!
** Friday, 01/29/2021: Facebook Livestream Performance #12, "New Day" (solo)
** Friday, 10/15/2021: The Bur Oak (PKA:The Winnebago), Madison WI
** Saturday, 10/16/2021: Shank Hall, Milwaukee WI