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1. On Wednesday, July 26th, 2017 at 8:26AM Revolt Into Style (a member) wrote:
Revolt Into Style
Member Since: June 2007
The Fresh New Sound Of Yesterday
The Fresh New Sound Of Yesterday
Subject: Three Words: HEE HAW REBOOT
Last night, it came to me in a vision while eating supper. Immediately afterward I performed a web search. This was the top hit:

This was my vision, which I'll share here as well.

"No, no no. Here's who should be hosting any reboot of Hee Haw. This vision just came to me at supper and I searched Hee Haw Reboot and found this page as the top hit. The original Hee Haw had two top players anchoring the show, who could move...somewhat, to the comedy scripted into the series. My first pick is a modern day player who is capable of ripping it up most certainly on guitar: Rick Miller of Southern Culture On The Skids. I consider Miller the finest guitarist operating in America today. And he's a darn sight funnier than even Roy Clark. But who to team him with? None other than Webb Wilder; the deadpan Last of The Full-Grown Men! Webb has plenty of radio and movie experience and his deadpan "Fess Parker On Acid" take would play off of Miller's frisky drollery like a cue ball off a left side rear bumper. Both men proffer a sideways take on country music that is capable of being more legitimate and old-school than the arena rock with a southern accent and a smattering of slide guitar that passes itself off as country music today, while having one foot in the sort of ironic territory that only true Southerners [Miller = Henderson, NC, Wilder Hattiesburg, MS] who are also wiseguys can get away with. Pick up on it!"

Hee Haw was always notorious for taping a whole season in just two weeks of production, leaving its guests free to otherwise roam the highways and byways of the land on the never ending tour, so it would be an easy matter for Miller or Wilder to work into their busy schedules. I used to have to watch Hee Haw as a child. As a sullenteen year old, I stopped watching it, but now with the lifetime wisdom accrued of my rapidly approaching golden years, I can see a vast potential trapped within the amber of my Hee Haw memories. Miller and Wilder would work that action like the pros they are as hosts. As for the rest of the casting, I dunno. I'm just the ideas man here! Anyone care to chime in?
2. On Wednesday, July 26th, 2017 at 3:48PM omatic (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2003
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
Yeah, I'd watch that!

Nowthen... how to go about choosing a few prime "Hee Haw Honeys."
Hmm... choices, choices.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
3. On Friday, July 28th, 2017 at 10:22AM TommyLee (a member) replied:
Member Since: March 2005
Wilderian since 1988
Wilderian since 1988
You will need some cast members...Roy Clark is still hanging around in Tulsa at age 84, you can bet he'll do it!
I saw Roy a number of times when I lived in Tulsa. He's a great guy, and a wizard on any instrument he finds in his hands.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
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