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1. On Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 at 11:40AM Nancy Lewis Pegel (a guest) wrote:
Subject: Friday Harvester, Sat. Down Home! 8pm both nights
Reposting Webb's newsletter about these fine shows this weekend. If you'd like to keep live music live and not something existing only on a screen, please get thee to a show. Tell a friend to join you and enjoy the spiritual rebirth that can only come from a great night of rocking. Nancy

Friends, Romans, Wilderians! Lend me your ears... PLEASE! "The better to hear you with, my dear." So sayeth the wolf in the oft-told tale of that chick in scarlet, who shoulda known better. But I digress. How are ya? I am doing great for an aspiring teen idol, albeit, a long in the tooth one!

I will be doin' even better this weekend, as my compatriots and I tread the boards at two great Southern venues. The first is the fabulous Harvester in Rocky Mount, VA (think Roanoke) and the second has been our home away from home since 1986. Of course, where else could I be speaking of than The Down Home in Johnson City, TN?!

The Harvester is this Friday 6/16/2017, at 8pm. Likewise on Saturday 6/17/2017, at the Down Home. Long time attendees of the Down Home may remember shows starting there at 9pm, but in recent times they have "ab-jubsted" the time back to 8pm for shows.
2. On Monday, June 26th, 2017 at 1:27PM christina (a member) replied:
Member Since: March 2008
close enough to walk
close enough to walk
I have not posted in ages.....but I was lucky enough to actually be able to make it to the show in Rocky Mount. Webb sounded awesome, as always -- just wish he could have played for another couple of hours!

The venue kind of felt like being in your buddies basement, and was my first venture to the Harvester. They say the upstairs is pretty cool,too.
3. On Tuesday, July 11th, 2017 at 9:42PM Tom Comet (a member) replied:
Tom Comet
Member Since: October 2006
Hi Christina! Webb told me after the show that he saw you - I wish you'd come up and said Hi, but glad to know you were there! The upstairs room is really nice - we played there the first time - so come see us again sometime!
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