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 Next Topic (4050) This is topic 4049, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (4048) 
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1. On Sunday, March 19th, 2017 at 1:33PM micknkeef (a member) wrote:
Subject: West Coast Webb - Finally!
Finally get to see Webb here in SoCal. Got my ticket for The Grammy Museum appearance. For those of you that don't know The Grammy Museum is kinda like Inside The Actors Studio. They interview the artist for about 45 minutes, take questions from the audience, followed by a short 30 - 45 minute performance. All of it is filmed. So Webb, just a heads up. I always ask one of two questions. What was the first record you bought with your own money and why? Or What song from growing up still sends chills up your spine when you hear it and why? Don't answer now or you'll spoil it for me. LOL.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 at 7:44PM upsidedownblonde (a member) replied:
Finally is right....Long time fan here on the left coast and returned from Tennessee after worthless investments. To bad they are to far away from gods country. (Up here in the Emerald Triangle.) Guess you gotta go where the money is.

Gonna try to make Santa Cruz , still a 4 hour one way but like to say high and see the GREAT ONE. Say hi to the great Jimmy Lester for me.

Rick @ Just blame Joey
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