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 Next Topic (3995) This is topic 3994, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (3993) 
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1. On Friday, June 10th, 2016 at 10:27AM Tuck (a member) wrote:
Subject: Columbia, SC - we remember
Webb's headed back to one of my old hometowns - . Twenty years ago, our wedding party in Columbia featured the knee-knockin' rockin' of WW and The Beatnecks (or was it that 'other' group, the Nashvegans?!). An awesome show pegged to the release of that year's Acres of Suede. Band and audience alike were fortified by the fried (chicken) and the smoked (mustard-based SC BBQ) from Shealy's from Leesville. That classic buffet restaurant is only about 40 minutes from Cola-town. Would love to meet Webb and the lads there, but alas...Twenty years, three kids and several states later, we look forward to WW's next Northern VA/DC visit.
2. On Sunday, June 12th, 2016 at 1:06PM Tom Comet (a member) replied:
Tom Comet
Member Since: October 2006
Hey, Tuck- It was in fact the Nashvegans at that point, and that was sure one hell of a wedding throw down! Sheltered lad that I am, it was my first experience with SC mustard sauce, and I must say that was some really fine BBQ!
All the best to you and yours- hope to see you again before too long.
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