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1. On Thursday, April 21st, 2016 at 3:54AM Highway Tsar (a member) wrote:
Highway Tsar
Member Since: February 2009
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Subject: Euro Webb Update (Long Post)
We saw Webb solo for the first time last night. It was very different to a full band show but equally enthralling. One interesting thing to me was the amount of effort Webb put in to the performance. This was no 'easy ride'
The songs really stood up well to a stripped back sound and vocally Webb was remarkably powerful. Especially as his schedule is punishing by any standards and there is no 'entourage' to sprinkle Rose petals in his path. Far from it.
The interactions with the crowd were insightful and well received. There were clearly a lot of Brits who had waited a long, long time to see him and the anticipation and excitement was very real. The material was as always carefully chosen and included a moving tribute to Merle Haggard, Daddy Frank. It was great to watch Webb use his flexibility to 'tune in' the room. I picked up the set list but he digressed from it. Cannot wait for Leeds on Saturday. (Horace, See ya there hopefully?)

The Spanish dates were in a trio format. Greg, the stand in drummer did a stand up job and Webb & Tom were just, well, Rocking. :-) We saw 2 shows in Barcelona and Valencia. Both were good but I think the band were improving throughout the tour and Valencia was really, really good. The crowds were rightly appreciative and everybody enjoyed the Fiesta.

Getting a Euro Tour together is a major effort and risk. We should applaud WebbCo in its widest sense for taking the chance.
If there are any Brits reading this then do try and get to a show. You won't regret it. There is only one Webb Wilder. I've seen dozens of messages on this board over the years saying 'Please Tour the UK' Well he is here and can only do it if supported.
"Real Music is out there and real people are making it"
Who knows when the next opportunity will be?
2. On Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 at 10:06AM TommyLee (a member) replied:
Member Since: March 2005
Wilderian since 1988
Wilderian since 1988
Thanks for the report!

Always good to hear from the Birmingham Webb Gang.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
3. On Tuesday, April 26th, 2016 at 7:50AM Tom Comet (a member) replied:
Tom Comet
Member Since: October 2006
It was really great to see Mick and Sue in Spain, and I had a fabulous time there- I hope we can do this, and more, again in the future!
4. On Thursday, April 28th, 2016 at 11:09AM Webb Wilder (a member) replied:
Webb Wilder
Member Since: July 2003
Thanks, Highway Tsasr for the "above and beyond" support and the kind words! WW
5. On Friday, April 29th, 2016 at 11:42AM horace (a member) replied:
I was lucky enough to catch three of Webb's solo UK shows and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. Interesting to hear the songs in that format and they stood up well to the acoustic treatment. The showmanship and patter between the songs were almost as entertaining as the music.

It was great to see Webb in the north of England as it meant the gigs were no more than 1 1/2 hours away and I could bring my friends along so they could have the Webb experience which I have enjoyed in four countries over the years. It was also the first live experience for my wife, Linda, who finally got to meet the guy who has provided the soundtrack to most of our married life! Lovely to bump into Mick and Sue again at Sheffield and Leeds.
Have a well-deserved rest Webb, and don't leave it another 25 Years!
6. On Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 at 5:36AM Highway Tsar (a member) replied:
Highway Tsar
Member Since: February 2009
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Extra excitement was added by the news that Webb has recorded a session for Bob Harris on the Beeb! If I get a transmission date I will share.
Great to meet Horace and Linda at Leeds. Its been a great adventure for us and the guys are so appreciative it would be rude not to show up!
We will not be at Webbfest this year so this was an important trip for us. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen.
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