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 Next Topic (3972) This is topic 3971, which is older than Index Page 20. Previous Topic (3970) 
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1. On Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 at 9:35AM Astro Man (a member) wrote:
Astro Man
Member Since: February 2016
Astro Cat Launches All Noisy Dogs Into Outer Space
Astro Cat Launches All Noisy Dogs Into Outer Space
Subject: Happy Bday Rory Gallagher....
Rory Gallagher would've been 68 today. I hereby command you to watch this, whether you know who he is or not. Elmore James would've been quite proud.....
Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 at 9:50AM Webb Wilder (a member) replied:
Webb Wilder
Member Since: July 2003
Oh, Yeah! WW
3. On Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 at 4:16PM Glom (a member) replied:
Saw Rory open for Foghat in Denver in the fall of 1975. Between him and Rod Price there was some really hot slide guitar being played that night.
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4. On Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 at 3:02AM Highway Tsar (a member) replied:
Highway Tsar
Member Since: February 2009
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Great Post Astro Man. I saw Rory and his famously battered Strat, many times. From the Marquee to the Hammersmith Odeon, always fantastic. He created the most wonderful joyous vibe. On his final Tour it was clear his health was not great but he still gave everything to put on the show and there was no disappointment. Just a realisation that this could be the last time.
Do check out his back catalogue. I bought 'Wheels within wheels' last year. It is mostly acoustic but a worthy addition to a wonderful body of work. 'On the Boards' by Taste is also excellent and shows a slight Jazz influence that he sadly never revisited.

I'm glad he never joined the Stones.
5. On Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 at 9:30AM Astro Man (a member) replied:
Astro Man
Member Since: February 2016
Astro Cat Launches All Noisy Dogs Into Outer Space
Astro Cat Launches All Noisy Dogs Into Outer Space
Yep, lotta great Rory titles, most still in print and not expensive. And the man was highly revered for his skills. Many guitarists including me site him as a big influence.....
Member accepts knock-knocks.
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