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1. On Wednesday, January 20th, 2016 at 1:03AM tez (a member) wrote:
Member Since: September 2006
Wilderian since 1989
Wilderian since 1989
Subject: The Thing Called Love
Flicking around the channels yesterday on cable TV down under & The Thing Called Love was just starting. Of course I had to watch it AGAIN. Watched it at Tater Acres a few months ago with Tater as well. But this movie has even more meaning to me now & I didn't even tell W.W this story but we stayed in the "thing called love " room quiet coincidentally for two nights at the motel where the movie was filmed & W.W filmed his scenes. Went in & out of that room dozens of times over two days but only noticed the Thing called love room sign on the door as we were packing to leave. Pretty cool coincidence that we went to the U.S to see Webb & ended up at that hotel & in that room.
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2. On Wednesday, January 20th, 2016 at 7:54AM Glom (a member) replied:
From "The Benny Hill Show" -

Actress: What's this thing called, luv?

Director (Benny): NO!!! It's "What is this thing called love?"

Cool that you stayed at the "Thing Called Love" motel while on a trip to see Webb.
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3. On Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at 2:28AM Highway Tsar (a member) replied:
Highway Tsar
Member Since: February 2009
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Have to say I could not recommend the Hotel!
4. On Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at 6:01PM tez (a member) replied:
Member Since: September 2006
Wilderian since 1989
Wilderian since 1989
Me Either
Member accepts knock-knocks.
5. On Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 at 7:44AM Glom (a member) replied:
Thanks for the warnings.

My wife and I were glad that we took our friend Gary's advice and stayed at the Heartbreak Hotel when we visited Graceland after attending WebbFest IV as part of our honeymoon. All Elvis, all the time.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
6. On Thursday, January 28th, 2016 at 1:00PM tez (a member) replied:
Member Since: September 2006
Wilderian since 1989
Wilderian since 1989
I heard Heartbreak was good
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7. On Friday, January 29th, 2016 at 2:42AM Highway Tsar (a member) replied:
Highway Tsar
Member Since: February 2009
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Victoria Concordia Crescit
I thought it was OK. Not as good as it should have been. 24 Hour Elvis was fun but service was complacent. They know people will go there anyway so they don't try very hard. It was good being taken to a local eaterie by dialling up a pink Cadillac though! Room was large but poor wifi. Just sayin....
8. On Friday, January 29th, 2016 at 8:02AM Glom (a member) replied:
Indeed, the Heartbreak was most impressive for the Elvis immersion, not the quality of the hotel itself. After all, it's just a converted Motel 6 or Budget Inn or one of those budget-grade lodgings. Still fun.

We had spent the two previous nights at the Union Station Hotel in Nashville, which is the most plush hotel I've ever stayed at. The Heartbreak would have had to go a long way to match that. Of course, the room we had at the Heartbreak was a lot less expensive than the one at the Union Station.

And for either one, those Tennessee fees and taxes that are added on to the room rate are quite the surprise. The tour bus driver who took us through Nashville even mentioned that.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
9. On Friday, January 29th, 2016 at 8:27AM TommyLee (a member) replied:
Member Since: March 2005
Wilderian since 1988
Wilderian since 1988
Now you now know how Tennessee manages to get by without a state income tax! That's Elvis for ya, still bringing in the big bucks after all these years.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
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