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1. On Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 at 10:44PM omatic (a member) wrote:
Member Since: February 2003
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
Subject: WEBB FEST TEN - this week's eblast (plus a clarification)

Webb sent me this week's blast this afternoon, and it went out earlier tonight. A copy of the missive appears below, in case you missed it. But lest it be misinterpreted, we did want to clarify that the minimum age for Webb Fest attendance will be 18.

We here at Webbco have plenty of love and respect for 'children of all ages,' including those in the teen-and-subteen demographic. But unfortunately, due to house rules, those under 18 will not be able to enter the venue for the 'fest.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion.

Here's the original e-blast:
Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Children of all ages! It gives me no small degree of pleasure to announce that WE, Webb Wilder & the Beatnecks, have been celebrating 30 years of Swampadelia and Uneasy listening ALL YEAR, but NOW, in addition to that, we will celebrate the TENTH annual Webb Fest fan gathering and concert event at the legendary Exit / In ... right here in Nashville, TN (Mewzik Bidniss City).

It all happens this Saturday night. Doors at 7pm. Band plays at 9pm. With any luck, we will get it together to show one or more of the WW films in the interim time slot. Traditionally, "hardcores" gather at the venue in advance of the annual WF show anyway.

As per usual, we will have LOTS of special commemorative and catalog staple merchandise items for you to peruse. Tom Comet and I (mostly Tom) have come up with a beautifully designed, LIMITED EDITION Webb Fest 10 T-Shirt. This shirt is based around a classic Alan Messer photo that you're surely gonna want! PLUS of course, we'll have the new album, "Mississippi Moderne," which far from being shunned is being hailed by critics as everything from my best ever to pretty all right!

YOU, the people of the "Loving Public," are more than all right. You're "fine, decent youngsters" as ol' Ed Sullivan used to say. Okay, please "like" me on FB, Twitter, smoke signal and gossip columns throughout the known world, as well as distant galaxies. Or Biscaynes, if yer a Chevy person.

Okay, ya'll. See ya Samoa... at least I hope so!

Signed: Webbus Erecticus,
"Hombre Mas Grande del Fin"
Er, sumpthin' like that.
Member accepts knock-knocks.
2. On Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 at 11:20PM omatic (a member) replied:
Member Since: February 2003
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
My wife and I were happy for 30 years. Then we met.
If you happen to need any last-minute WF-X details, you can find them here:

We hope we'll see you there!
Member accepts knock-knocks.
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